1. An online talk on the Life and work of Dr. Cristiana De Filippis on May 12th at 2:30 pm IST. The first 45 minutes of the talk will be on her research work while the last fifteen minutes will be devoted to her Mathematical journey. The title of her Research Talk is Quasiconvexity Meets Non-Linear Potential Theory.
Abstract: A classical problem in the regularity theory for vector-valued minimizers of multiple integrals consists in proving their smoothness outside a negligible set, cf. Evans (ARMA ’86), Duzaar & Mingione (Ann. IHP-AN ‘04), Schmidt (ARMA ‘09). In this talk, I show how to infer sharp partial regularity results for relaxed minimizers of degenerate/singular, nonuniformly elliptic quasiconvex functionals, using tools from nonlinear potential theory. In particular, in the setting of functionals with (p,q)-growth - according to the terminology introduced by Marcellini (Ann. IHP-AN '86; ARMA ‘89) - I will derive optimal local regularity criteria under minimal assumptions on the data. This talk is partly based on joint work with Bianca Stroffolini (University of Naples Federico II).
2. Screening a short film ‘Olga Ladyzhenskaya’ produced and directed by Ekaterina Eremenko on 13ᵗʰ May, 7:00 PM in LHC108.
It is a short documentary about Olga Aleksandrovna Ladyzhenskaya (1922 –2004) a Russian mathematician who worked on partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, and the finite difference method for the Navier–Stokes equations. She occupies a very special place in the history of mathematics and mathematical physics worldwide. Her theorems shaped the modern theory of Partial Differential Equations of mathematical physics.
You can discover the trailer of the movie on YouTube here.
Do join us for a journey through the life of this illustrious mathematician. We also plan to have an engaging discussion about the same in the end.

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan
Pune 411008