Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

The Combinatorics Seminar resumes this year's activities celebrating the upcoming Women's Day in Mathematics. To celebrate this special date, we invite Professor Telma Pará, who is doing postdoctoral work at the University of Warwick and will share her latest research.

The seminar will be held online. We will issue certificates of participation for Complementary Activity. No prior registration is required.

Date: 26/04/2023 (quarta-feira)

Time: 14h30


Speaker: Telma Pará (University of Warwick, FAETEC/RJ).

Title: Addressing Mathematics Anxiety: A Case Study in a High School in Brazil

Abstract: Mathematics Anxiety is debilitating and causes negative impacts on students’ academic lives. In this case study, we use Participatory Action Research methodology to address Mathematics Anxiety in a public high school in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). An intervention was performed using tools such as the Growth Zone Model and the hand model of the brain in order to address anxiety and build Mathematical Resilience. The levels of Mathematics Anxiety were measured before and after the intervention using the revised MAS scale (MAS-R), and narrative records were made. The data indicate positive evidence in performing this kind of intervention, adding to the literature on building Mathematical Resilience and leading us to continue developing our practice as anxiety-informed teachers, and to recommend future interventions with bigger and more diversified samples.

This is a joint work: Telma Para and  Sue Johnston-Wilder

Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica, FAETEC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Centre for Education Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.


Type of event

Rua Professor Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, s/n
Blocos G e H, Campus do Gragoatá
São Domingos

Name of the Organisation
Fluminense Federal University