The Tunisian Women Mathematicians Association TWMA is organizing an event on the occasion of May 12th. It will be held at FST (Faculty of Sciences of Tunis), on Friday May 12, 2023 ; from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It consists of a « Colloquium of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics »
The event will be held with the support of Tunis El Manar University and the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis.
May 12 program:
09h00-09h30 : Opening by TWMA Tunisian Women Mathematicians' Association
Celebrating Women in Mathematics, May 12, 5th Edition.
09h30-09h50 : Faiza Fourati (Tunis El Manar university)
Mesures orbitales, splines, et transformation de Markov-Krein
09h50-10h10 : Marwa Mastouri (Carthage University)
A New Class of q-Sturm-Liouville Problem and Their Symmetric q-Orthogonal Polynomial Solutions
10h10-10h30 : Ben rezek Mahjouba (Carthage University)
New results on impulsive type inertial bidirectional associative memory neural networks
10h30-10h50 : Farid Touati (Carthage University)
Global Dissipativity of Inertial Neural Networks under Fussiness Effect and Proportional Delays.
10h50-11h10 : Hedienne Jallouli (Carthage University)
New results on stabilization of complex-valued second-order neural networks with mixed delays.
11h10-11h30 : Farah Dridi (Carthage University)
Weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions for neutral type fuzzy cellular neural networks.
11h30-11h50 : Yosra Soussi (Tunis El Manar university)
Inverse problems for a Schrödinger equation defined in an unbounded domain
11h50-13h30 : Pause déjeuner
13h30-13h50 : Ons Oueslati (Tunis El Manar university)
Inégalité de Sobolev en analyse temps-fréquence
13h50-14h10 : Khouloud Abid Baklouti (Sfax University)
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle for Gabor Transform on nilpotent Lie Groups.
14h10-14h30 : Nesrin Yousfi (Tunis El Manar university)
Versions $L^ p$ du Principe d’Incertitude associée à la Transformation de Bessel-Struve.
14h30-14h50 : Chahiba Khlifi (Carthage University)
Linear and nonlinear Bessel potentials associated with the Poly-axially operator
14h50-15h10 : Rahma Chbeb (Carthage University)
Calder´on’s reproducing formulas for the Poly-axially L_α^2-multiplier operators.
15h10-15h30 : Wafa Djobbi (Carthage University)
Some inequalities for the continuous wavelet transform related to the Weinstein operator.
15h30-15h50 : Imen Rezgui (Carthage University)
Generalized q-Bessel Type Wavelet
16h00 : Closure
FST, Campus Universitaire El-Manar, 2092 El Manar Tunis
2092 Tunis