Unione Matematica Italiana is proud to announce an event which will take place on May 12th from 9 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. in Aula Magna, Università di Roma La Sapienza .
This is a part of "Festa della matematica: due giorni con e per Ingrid Daubechies", which displays a scientific meeting organized by Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo in the afternoon of May 11th and the award to prof. Ingrid Daubechies of the Doctorate Honoris Causa, on Friday 12 at 11.30 a.m.
Mainly addressed to high school and university students, the event will be presented by Edwige Pezzulli: after two short talks by Isabeau Birindelli, head of Dipartimento di Matematica, and by Chiara de Fabritiis, coordinator of EO Committee of UMI, professor Daubechies will introduce the Mathemalchemy project, which includes a comic story (translated in Italian by Chiara de Fabritiis, Claudia Malvenuto and Barbara Nelli). The talks by the comics drawer Alice Milani and the mathematician and writer Sandra Lucente, member of the Committee ``Raising Public Awareness" of the European Mathematical Society, will conclude the first part of the morning. The award ceremony of the Honoris Causa Ph.D. to prof. Ingrid Daubechies will follow.
Registration needed both for individual and group (school) participation, see https://www.mat.uniroma1.it/May12 for links to the registration forms (individual and groups).

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00185 Roma RM