<Korean Women in Mathematical Science> was established in 2004 to contribute to the development and dissemination of mathematical science and technology by promoting academic development and active exchange of Korean mathematicians, and expanding the base of female mathematicians.
<Korean Women in Mathematical Science> seeks to promote equal opportunities for female mathematicians. We support women’s participation in research activities and collaboration by hosting international conferences and leadership forums. We also collect math-related data and publish reports. We publish an annual newsletter to publicize the activities hosted by <Korean Women in Mathematical Science> and encourage participation. In particular, from 2022, we have selected student reporters so that the public can easily understand news about mathematics and receive it at an appropriate eye level.
<Korean Women in Mathematical Science> also hosts meetings to share opinions on the rights of female mathematicians and solutions to improve their well-being. In particular, this year we plan to hold workshops for female mathematicians in each region to discuss the future of female mathematicians and form a network of solidarity.
Hyejin Jeon, the author of <Why We Love Mathematics>, which contains the stories of 29 world-renowned female mathematicians, said, “Mathematics is not a science accomplished by one or two geniuses. It is a study that has developed as if looking at a higher world standing on one's shoulders, and it is a study that mathematicians of the same era have achieved together, sometimes exchanging letters, sometimes traveling around the world, and sometimes exchanging with each other through the Internet.” <Korean Women in Mathematical Science> wants to move forward beyond its limits with a love of mathematics.
<Korean Women in Mathematical Science> Student Reporters is the second of its kind this year. The Student Reporters, which has been active for about six months, is mainly aimed at introducing female mathematical scientists from academia and industry and informing them of the news of the <Korean Women in Mathematical Science>. In addition, student reporters will participate in various academic conferences and workshops to conduct their activities.
A workshop will be held for students selected for the 2nd student reporter group of the <Korean Women in Mathematical Science>. The event will provide a detailed explanation of the <Korean Women in Mathematical Science>'s one-year event schedule and activities and work as a student journalist.
May 13, 2023 (Sat.), KST
If you are interested on learning more about <Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences> and its student reporters, please visit the website <http://www.kwms.or.kr>.

1, Kangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea
South Korea