MUJERES EN MATEMÁTICAS: Creando vínculos de colaboración permanente

May 12 marks the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, and this date has been chosen to honor and celebrate Women in Mathematics in her memory. The Mathematics Department of Universidad del Valle wants to participate in this celebration, aiming to showcase the work of female mathematicians, foster a deeper understanding of their contributions, and facilitate the creation of networks for ongoing collaboration.

Día Internacional de la Mujer Matemática (Valledupar, Colombia)

El departamento de matemática y estadística de la Universidad Popular del Cesar, presentará un ciclo de conferencias y poster con el fin de visualizar y exaltar la importancia de la mujer en las matemáticas. Adicionalmente, se desea motivar a las  estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Matemática que se ofrece, para que continúen aportando en las diferentes áreas de la matemática.

Exhibition "Remember Maryam Mirzakhani" (Temuco, Chile)

As part of the activities of the project "Actividades para el día internacional de las mujeres en matemáticas" (Activities for the international day of Women in Mathematics), Remember Maryam Mirzakhani exhibition by Committee for Women in Mathematics (IMU) will be shown at Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, from 13th to 31st of May 2024. In particular, from May 13th to 16th in the entrance hall of the Aula Magna and from May 20th to 31st at the entrance of the main library. 

Inauguration of the exhibition "Remember Maryam Mirzakhani" (Temuco, Chile)

As part of the activities of the project "Actividades para el día internacional de las mujeres en matemáticas" (Activities for the international day of Women in Mathematics), on may 16th there will be the inauguration of the exhibition "Remember Maryam Mirzakhani", together with a conference on the life and works of Maryam Mirzakhani and her importance in the mathematical world.

This is an activity organized by Universidad de La Frontera Departamento de Matemática y Estadística and Research Center Geometry at the Frontier.

Mathematics and gender: discussion on the role of education (Temuco, Chile)

As part of the activities of the project "Actividades para el día internacional de las mujeres en matemáticas" (Activities for the international day of Women in Mathematics), on may 23rd we organize a discussion about Mathematics and gender and the role of education. The activity is open to professors of Elementary and High schools of the Araucanía region.

This is an activity organized by Universidad de La Frontera Departamento de Matemática y Estadística and Research Center Geometry at the Frontier.

Conference on Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (CFAM 24) in Tunis

The Tunisian Women Mathematicians Association (TWMA) plans to celebrate the day dedicated to women mathematicians in May at the Faculty of Sciences in Tunis by organizing a mathematical day on May 17, 2024.

We would be delighted to welcome the participation of anyone interested in mathematical research (men and women).

Important dates to note:

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