Célébration journée du 12 Mai (Dakar, Sénégal)

L'association sénégalaise des femmes en maths du Sénégal (SWMA)  célèbrent la journée internationale des femmes en maths, le 11 Mai 2024.

En effet, cette journée du 12 mai a été créée en l’honneur de l’anniversaire de la naissance de Maryam Mirzakhani, éminente mathématicienne iranienne qui a obtenu la Médaille Fields en 2014. Aujourd’hui elle est la première à avoir bénéficié d’une telle récompense. Suite à son décès le 14 juillet 2017 à l’âge de 40 ans, une initiative de célébrer les femmes dans le domaine mathématiques a vu le jour. 



Learning-Teaching-Training activity will be organised within the cooperation in the Erazmus+ project DigiSTEM
as on-line workshop on "Promoting Digital Learning in STEM Subjects".

Women  cooperating in the project from 3 European countries - Slovakia, Finland and Romania will present their knowledge and expwerience gained during their pedagogical practise using active learning mehods supported by digital tools.

We will also open discussion on topics "gender awarness at your university" and "position of women in mathematics in your country".

XII Discrete Mathematics and Applications Workshop (MDA 2024) (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil),

The Brazilian Antenna of Mathematics of Fluminense Federal University, Brazil, once again, celebrates the International Women in Mathematics Day (May 12).

This time, we host the XII Discrete Mathematics and Applications Workshop (MDA 2024). MDA is a national scientific event that brings together researchers from renowned research centers in the field of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, as well as students and teachers from public high schools.

International day for women in mathematics - Generalized Functions Online Workshop (4th edition)

The aim of this workshop is to increase the visibility of the female members of the GF (Generalized Functions) community and to facilitate scientific collaboration and networking within this group. We would like to encourage female mathematicians in the early stage of their scientific career to participate and present their first results, but the event is not restricted only to female mathematicians.

International Women in Mathematics Day Panel

The Women in Math Committee of the Canadian Mathematics Society will be hosting an on-line event for International Women in Mathematics Day. This is a joyful opportunity for the mathematical community to celebrate women in mathematics.

Our event will be on Friday May 10, 2024, times across the country are:
BC - 10am | Sask/Alberta - 11am | Manitoba - noon | Ontario - 1pm | Maritimes - 2pm | Newfoundland - 2:30

We will have a panel of prominent women mathematician who will talk about their careers with a focus on how we can support each other.

EMS Women in Mathematics Day 2024

The Women in Math Committee (WiM) of the European Mathematical Society is organising an event called "EMS/WiM Day" within the initiative of "May 12th", a celebration of women in Mathematics in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani. The event consists of scientific talks (at the level of a Colloquium talk) of two distinguished speakers, which will take place online on Friday, May 17th, 2024, with the following schedule:


15:00 Welcome

15:15 Carola Bibiane Schönlieb (University of Cambridge)

Celebración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres en Matemáticas 2024, Peru

La Fundación para la Educación, presenta un ciclo de video conferencia orientado a contribuir a visibilizar el trabajo que realizan las mujeres en matemáticas y que sus experiencias sirvan de motivación e inspiración para que otras estudiantes inicien o se especialicen en una carrera como investigadora en alguna de las áreas de la matemática. Esta primera versión tiene como objetivo:

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