
All events should be organized locally or virtually. As organizer, please feel free to adapt the event to the context of your work environment. We encourage various forms of events ranging from film screening, to breakfast, lunch, tea, receptions, round-tables, exhibitions, etc. around May 12th (between May the 1st and June the 15th).

Do not hesitate to scroll through past years' events to get inspired! You'll find them here.

Share the word!

Think about sharing your – and others' – events! Don't be afraid to go social. You may use various hashtags: #WomenInMaths #May12 #May12WIM.

You can also use the following image for your social posts (right-click to download):

Social image for May12

Several ideas

Here are some ideas for events you might organize.

If  organizing collective events with physical presence is difficult for you, it is also possible to organize events differently and virtually.

Three free movies for 2025 edition

Poster for the film "JOURNEYS OF BLACK MATHEMATICIANS Forging Resilience"

This year, courtesy of Zalafilms director George Csicsery, we offer you the two 1 hour-length documentaries "Journeys of Black Mathematicians: forging resilienceand "Journeys of Black Mathematicians: creating pathways", and an extra year of "Secrets of the surface: the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani", all to be screened between 1st and 20th of May.

You need to request a link (don't forget to also register your event if your screening is collective!). Note: the movies are in English. There are subtitles available in farsi, french, portuguese, spanish and turkish for all movies, and also in italian for Secrets of the surface — thanks to our team of volunteers.

Request a link


Cover Gender Gap in Science

Disseminate the results of the Gender Gap in Science Project

The project "A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?" completed its three years term and the Gender Gap in Science Book is now online here.

An 8 pages summary in English, French, Spanish, German and Chinese and presentation slides are available here. Other promotional material such as a poster, will be available soon.

Feel free  to disseminate them to your contacts or to organize round tables, only for mathematics or associated with other sciences.

Film about women in maths

Journeys of Women in Mathematics.

The short (20 minute) film Journeys of Women in Math has been created by the IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics, filmed and edited by Micro-Documentaries, and all made possible by a grant from the Simons Foundation. For more information on the film, please see here. Showing this movie is free.

You could disseminate the link to your contacts or organize a projection of it in your university.


Remember Maryam Mirzakhani exhibition
Curator: Thais Jordao. Designer: Rafael Meireles Barroso.

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani is an exhibition with 18 original posters. This exhibition opened at the (WM)², the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, and remained open during ICM 2018.

If your institution is interested in hosting the exhibition, you can consult the rules of use and contact CWM at

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani exhibition's illustrative picture

Mathematical fair
Idea: Marie Lhuissier

A mathematical fair is an informal format for a mathematical seminar. It goes as follows: anybody who comes to the seminar can bring with her/him a little mathematical story, an object, a theorem... to share in 5 minutes. All the potential speakers take a card with a number, and the same set of cards is put in a hat. Then the order of speakers is chosen randomly. Every story lasts only 5 minutes (set the alarm!) and then, 1-2 questions follow. In this manner, usually 7-8 speakers can present their mathematical stories in one hour. Doing this is a lot of fun!