This website is edited by the May12 comity.

It's based on open-source and free tools such as Drupal, OSM, and others.

It is hosted by Infomaniak, a Swiss hosting company which provides servers with 200% carbon compensation, 100% renewable energy and low consumption.

It has been brought to life in its actual form by Tadaa, a French cooperative, for the 2020 edition.

All content of this website — but those marked otherwise and third party material like logos and pictures — are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The May12 icon is under Creative Commons : Flower by Jaime Serra from the Noun Project

The informations that are collected on this website are only meant for the organizers — and for the public for the public information you submitted about your event. They will only be used on this website and public informations may be shared on others sites and platforms. The private data will stored for archives for as long as this website exist. You can contact us to access, rectify, edit or delete those informations. No private informations will be sold nor transferred to any other entity than the comity and partners without your consent. We'll do our best to secure those datas, and write to you if we're notified from an intrusion of any kind.