Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

Our event comprises three components, each designed to support and encourage women, trans and gender diverse mathematicians at the University of Melbourne through facilitating forming connections and public displays of support.

1. Wall of Support: In the week up to International Women in Maths Day, students and staff in the main building for the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne will be invited to write anonymous notes of support and encouragement for women, trans and gender diverse mathematics students. On International Women in Maths Day, the notes will be displayed on the blank walls in the student waiting area outside the largest lecture theatre in the building.

2. One-on-one mentor coffee catch ups: This event will pair women, trans and gender diverse mathematics students of different experience levels (one more senior, one more junior) to discuss their journeys in studying mathematics over a coffee at a University of Melbourne cafe.

3. Safe space discussion session: The final component of our International Women in Maths Day activities would be a 60-90 minute off-site discussion session intended to be a safe forum for women, trans and gender diverse members of the School of Mathematics and Statistics to share their experiences (both positive and negative). 

Type of event

Grattan Street, Parkville
Victoria, 3010, Australia
Parkville VIC 3010

Name of the Organisation
University of Melbourne