The Women in Mathematics Day Event organized by the Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics (TKMD) will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 15:40 (GMT+3).
After the opening ceremony, which consisted of a brief introduction of TKMD by Sibel Doğru Akgöl and a speech for the commemoration of Dear Maryam Mirzakahani, Dr. Pınar Aydoğdu's seminar will be held.
Then, after a short break, the documentaries "Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes" and "Kovalevskaia’s spinning top" will be shown.
The event will occur in the Middle East Technical University Mathematics Department, Ankara.
Everyone is cordially invited.

Attached document
Middle East Technical University
Department of Mathematics - Tosun Terzioğlu Lecture Hall
06800 Çankaya/Ankara