Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

We want to celebrate with women in mathematics in Perth:

  • Maryam Mirzakhani’s birthday
  • The inaugural Ruby Payne-Scott Medal and Lecture of the Australian Academy of Science which has been awarded to Cheryl Praeger
  • The Australian Women of Mathematics exhibition, and
  • that we are all women in mathematics, have grown in number and strength, and enjoy what we are doing.

We will start at 5pm in Mathematics Lecture Room 3 at UWA with a viewing of Cheryl’s recording of her Ruby Payne-Scott Medal Lecture and Q&A from the Australian Academy of Science,

Then from 6pm get to know each other and if interested go for a meal later or have food on the premises - in the Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room at UWA

Type of event

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Fairway Entrance 2
Crawley WA 6009

Name of the Organisation
The University of Western Australia