The Australian Women of Mathematics exhibit is an artistic and scientific project showcasing 16 Australian mathematicians who identify as women, through a series of panels, and a book of photographs and interviews. It is an Australian version of an exhibit created in Europe by Noel Matoff, Ecke Design, Gesine Krüger and Sylvie Paycha (www.
An opening of the exhibit will take place on 12 May 2021 at various universities across Australia, including the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the University of Western Australia.
At the ANU, the opening will take place in the seminar room 1.33 of the Hanna Neumann building, starting at 4pm. Everyone is most welcome to attend (up to the COVID safe capacity of the room).

Mathematical Sciences Institute Hanna Neumann Building #145,
Science Road, The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601