Mathemalchemy ( is a collaborative multi-media art installation that celebrates the beauty, the joy, the creativity and the fun of mathematics. Twenty-four mathematicians and artists designed and fabricated the installation over a two-year period, working by remote contact during the pandemic isolations and lockdowns. The completed piece has now started its career as a traveling exhibit; its is presently on view at the National Academy of Sciences building on Constitution Avenue in Washington DC, USA. Its visit there will culminate with a family day with organized events for all ages (access will be possible only for fully COVID-vaccinated visitors) on June 12. For details about the family event, see
The twenty-four mathemalchemists comprise twenty women (not intentional at first -- there were just many more women who responded to the call for team members), and they decided that the free-standing quilt, one of the large features of the exhibit, would celebrate women mathematicians from different time periods, different walks of life and different mathematical interests, who all used their mathematical talents to carve out their own destiny. More information about this component of the installation is at URL .
National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington , DC 20418
United States