BMS offers informal meetings for our female (PhD) students, with the intention of exchanging experiences and mutual assistance. Special „Sophia Kovalevskaya Colloquia“ (as a part of the regular MATH+ Friday) features women mathematicians, both senior and junior, who can be seen as successful role models. The speaker will share her experience as a women mathematician with the female part of the audience during the „Kovalevskaya Lunch“.
(Please find more information at
This year the Kovalevskaya Lunch and Colloquium will be its 30th edition and we will come together to celebrate the International Women in Mathematics Day on 12 May. This event is organized in collaboration with CRC 1114.
The lunch (for women only) will start at 12:15, the lecture (for all genders) will start at 14:15. The female (PhD) students are invited to the lunch via e-mail.
Please find more information about the colloquium at
Attached document
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