May12: celebrating Women in Mathematics, Canberra, Australia
At ANU in 2024, will be celebrating with a one day event on Monday 13 May, bringing together our mathematical community, and all the groups working towards gender equality in STEM:
At ANU in 2024, will be celebrating with a one day event on Monday 13 May, bringing together our mathematical community, and all the groups working towards gender equality in STEM:
El 12 de mayo se celebra el Día de las Mujeres en
Matemática ( Con este motivo organizamos
una charla para el miércoles 15 de mayo a las 14 hs, en el aula 9 del
Pabellón 1.
Tendremos el placer de recibir a Juliana Reves Szemere y Agustina Magnoni (DF, FCEyN, UBA), quienes nos hablarán sobre:
"Pensar la ciencia en clave feminista: sesgos y redes en nuestro quehacer cotidiano".
Al finalizar la charla habrá un café en la Sala Hilbert.
El Encuentro “Mujeres Geómetras desde la Línea Ecuatorial”: constituye un congreso ideado para resaltar y celebrar las contribuciones de las mujeres en el ámbito de la geometría, coincidiendo su realización con el 8 de mayo día internacional de la mujer matemática.
En el encuentro se realizarán conferencias magistrales y un curso intensivo titulado “Cálculo tensorial en variedades diferenciales”. El curso, será impartido por la Doctora Ph.D. Oihane F. Blanco, catedrática de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional.
Conference delivered by Herminia Calvete. In this conference we will analyze problems in the context on Research Operations.
Languaje: spanish
University of Turin and Politecnico of Turin organize an event on the occasion of the Women in Mathematics Day, on 9 May 2024.
During the morning session, young female PhD students will introduce their research work in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences.
A one-day conference organised by the Irish Committee for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mathematics (ICEDIM), hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Mathematics Application Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI) at University of Limerick.
It will feature talks by Mayya Golitsyna (EGMO), Natalia Kopteva (UL), Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn (DCU), Rachel Quinlan (Galway) and Sinéad Ryan (TCD). In addition, there will be opportunities to network over coffee and lunch.
This is an event that consists of 6 mini talks on the mathematical work of women mathematicians, given by professors from different universities in Madrid.
There will be four research talks by department women colleagues and an invited woman speaker.