Mathématiques, informatique... avec elles!, Montauban, France

L'événement comprend 4 temps :

- L'exposition "Mathématiques, informatique... avec elles !" présentée aux élèves du lycée Antoine Bourdelle à Montauban

- une conférence sur Maryam Mirzakhami par Mr Christophe Moioli devant 6 classes de seconde (3fois 2 classes) lundi 13 mai et vendredi 17 mai

- Une rencontre d'Anne-Claire Castillejos  , ingénieure chez Airbus, devant 8 classes de seconde (4 fois 2 classes) pour leur parler de son parcours et son métier, le jeudi 16 mai après-midi

"On són les matemàtiques?" , Barcelona, Spain

Street exhibition to discover were the "mathematics" and the "women mathematiciens" are, as a word game, taking in account that in our language, Catalan, the same word "matemàtiques" is used for both. 

Exhibition modules can be used to build towers, grouped to classify according to mathematical topics, or professional sector, and others. 

Questions and challenges will be posed to encourage people to read the info. 

This exhibition adds to the festival organized by MMACA at the park "Can Mercader" in Cornellà, Barcelona (Catalonia)



Exhibition Women in Maths from around the world (Kiel, Germany)

„Entering the field of mathematics can be tough, and women often encounter specific obstacles. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs (by Noel Tovia Matoff) and excerpts from 34 women mathematicians (by Sylvie Paycha with Sara Azzali for some of them) from around the world.“

The exhibition will be shown from May 6th to May 15th in the Mathematics Department of Kiel university. Additionally the creators of the exhibition will visit the department to give a scientific lecture and an introduction to the exhibition on May 8th.

Celebrating UCD’s female mathematicians in Dublin

To celebrate International Day of Women in Mathematics the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics will display posters with testimonials from female students, staff and alumni on the ground floor of Science East (O’Brien Centre of Science) on Thursday May 9th. There will be a lunch reception by the posters from 1-2pm, which is open to people of all genders and career stages. This event will highlight the achievements of our female students and staff, as well as provide an opportunity to get together and network.

Collection #JovesMatemàtiquesCatalanes

Collaborative construction of a collection of posters of Young Females in Mathematics in our country. 

A new poster was published on Twitter every day from May 12th, for 3 to the power of 3 days. It was also posted on Instagram. 

It has been converted into an exhibition, both, in physical support and online, to offer young and closer referents to children and teenagers. 

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