Celebrating Women in Mathematics in Indonesia: Webinar Ethnomathematics in Daily Life

Celebrating Women in Mathematics in 2021 in Indonesia is intended to commemorate Prof. Maryam Mirzakhani. We plan our activities with webinars on the theme of Ethnomathematics in Daily Life. This topic is presented to develop the study of mathematics in culture, in particular the study of Ethnomathematics based on Statistics, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Modeling for Language Death, taking into account the contributions of women.

Celebrating Women in Mathematics in Rio (Brazil)

Celebrating Women in Mathematics at IM-UFRJ is a workshop that aims to bring together women researchers in mathematics. The event is part of the celebration of the women in mathematics day, May 12, which also is the birthday of Mariam Mirzakhani, the only Fields Medal woman in the history of this prize.The second edition of this event will take place remotely, via video conference platform, from May 24 to May 28 of 2021. The main goal of the event is to give visibility to women working as researchers in mathematics.

International Webinar - Celebrating Women in Mathematics (Nagpur, India)

Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur is organising an International Webinar in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani (May 12, 1977 – July 14, 2017), the only woman to win a Fields medal for her outstanding contributions to “the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces”. 

Program Details:     

May 29, 2020 | 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (Indian Standard Time)

Webmeeting for Women in Mathematics (Rio, Brasil)

Webemeeting: Women in Mathematics, May 26-27, let's celebrate!

While we are waiting for our presential meeting, we have created a virtual one, to occur May 26-27 11:00 am (SP-BR time), to celebrate this important moment for us, women in math.

May 26 - (in Portuguese) Roundtable with Maria José Pacífico (UFRJ-BR), Manuela Souza (UFBA-BR), Anne Bronzi (UNICAMP-BR) and Maité Kulesza (UFRPE-BR) about women and minorities in science, parent in science, women in academic leadership.

Women in Math: La festa delle donne matematiche (Bologna, Italy)

UMI is pleased to invite you to an online gala to celebrate women in mathematics, which will be held on Wednesday May 27th 2020 at 5pm (Rome time), an event in the frame of the International Day of Women in Mathematicshttps://may12.womeninmaths.org.

After a welcome message by Piermarco Cannarsa, UMI President, and Chiara de Fabritiis, coordinator of the Equal Opportunity committee, the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunity and Family Elena Bonetti, a mathematician borrowed to politics, will deliver a short address to the public.

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