PETMAT UnB apresenta "Secrets of the surfaces: the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Myrzakhani" (Brasil)

No evento PETMAT UnB apresenta "Secrets of the surfaces: the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Myrzakhani", iniciaremos apresentando a biorafia de Maryam, em seguida faremos uma explicação sobre a escolha do dia 12 de maio como dia das mulheres na Matemática e apresentaremos algumas ações que foram feitas e serão feitas para comemorar esse dia, no Brasil e no mundo.

Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani (US)

We at Brandeis University invite a shared viewing of "Secrets of the Surface" on Thursday April 30th, 2020. Those who register for the movie will receive a zoom link for a discussion following the movie taking place at 7pm on that same day,Thursday, April 30th. On the registration form, participants should select "Individual" viewing, and should list "Catherine Broderick" as the Organizer Name.

Start date: 4/28/2020
End Date: 5/1/2020 

Celebrating Women in Mathematics at the University of Reading

The University of Reading would like to invite you to join us for an informal event on 6 May that is part of the 2020 International Celebration of Women in Mathematics.  This is a great chance to hear from women with a mathematical background who are at different stages of their careers. The talks will NOT be detailed technical talks but will, we hope, inspire you through hearing about different women's journeys in mathematics.

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