In commemoration of the International Day of Women in Mathematics, LISN and the Graduate School of Computer Science and Digital Sciences are organizing a day for students to discover the work and careers of computer scientists and mathematicians. These researchers and engineers will come and present their work to you in the form of presentations. The presentations will be followed by a round table to discuss careers in mathematics and computer science where you can ask any questions you may have.
When ?
Tuesday May 21 afternoon
Where ?
At the Pascal Institute
How to register ?
By responding to the following question:
Who can come?
Everyone ! The presentations are planned to be accessible to students. The event is free and open to everyone, whether you are in Paris-Saclay or not.
The program
- 2 p.m. – Introduction to the day by Viviane Pons, event organizer, head of the L1 Math-Informatique portal and LISN parity referent
- 2:30 p.m. – Presentation by researcher Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio , teacher-researcher from Paris-Saclay University at LMO
- 3 p.m. – Presentation by Maria Telenczuk Senior Research Scientist in Machine-Learning at Owkin (presentation in English)
- 3:30 p.m. – Presentation by Fanny Pouyet , teacher-researcher in bioinformatics at LISN
- 4:00 p.m. – Friendly break
- 4:30 p.m. – Round table “Professions and careers in mathematics and computer science” moderated by Viviane Pons
- Speakers:
- – Ini Adinya, Teacher-Researcher University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- – Noémie Cartier, Optimization scientist, Hexaly
- – Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio, Teacher-researcher Paris-Saclay University
- – Myriam Peyrounette, Research engineer at CNRS
- – Fanny Pouyet, Teacher-researcher Paris-Saclay University
- – Maria Telenczuk, Senior Research Scientist, Owkin
End of the day at 5:30 p.m.

530 Rue André Rivière,
91400 Orsay