Women in Mathematics Day

This event is conducted in memory of the birthday of Prof. Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman field medalist in Mathematics. Maryam Mirzakhani was an Iranian mathematician and a Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. She was one of the world’s leading experts in geometry and dynamical systems.

This event is to celebrate and support women in mathematics.

International Women in Mathematics Day- A Series of Lectures

The lecture series is organized every year, since 2022, at K.J.Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman recipient of the prestigious Fields medal. The aim is to acquaint undergraduate students with various areas of Mathematical Research.

Prof. P Ramadevi and Dr. Rekha Santhanam from IIT Bombay will deliver expository talks in this event. 


Tejiendo Redes (Conmemoración Día Internacional de las Mujeres Matemáticas)

Desde el Proyecto Ciencia 2030 PUC, la Facultad de Matemáticas UC, y la Vocalía de Género de las carreras de Matemáticas y Estadísticas se proponer realizar la actividad "Tejiendo Redes" para conmemorar el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Matemáticas.

Esta es una actividad lúdica en una instancia distendida (después de almuerzo, a la hora del postre) para acercar e introducir los conceptos de género a la comunidad matemática PUC. Específicamente se propone una dinámica "match glosario género".

Funcionamiento actividad:

KWMS student reports work shop and annual events

  한국여성수학자협의회(KMWS)는 한국 여성수학자들의 학문적 발전을 위해 창설된 단체로, 학자 간의 활발한 교류와 수학 저변 확대를 통해 수리과학 분야 발전과 사회에 이바지하고자 2004년 설립되었습니다. 매년 다양한 컨퍼런스와 활동을 통해 여성 수리과학자들을 양성하고 있습니다.

KWMS의 비전은 미래를 선도하는 여성 수리과학자를 선도하는 것입니다. 그리고 올해에는 여성 수학과학자들의 평등한 활동, 여성 수학과학자들의 연구 및 교류 활동을 지원하고, 여성 수학과학자들의 권익과 복지를 보호하기 위한 KWMS 기자 워크숍, 하계캠프, 리더스 포럼, 2024 뉴스레터 등의 활동이 진행된다. 수리과학문화의 대중화를 도모한다.

La Sobremesa en Comunidad (Conmemoración Día Internacional de las Mujeres Matemáticas)

Desde el Proyecto Ciencia 2030 PUC, la Facultad de Matemáticas UC, y la Vocalía de Género de las carreras de Matemáticas y Estadísticas se proponer realizar la actividad "La Sobremesa en Comunidad" para conmemorar el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Matemáticas.

Esta es una actividad lúdica en una instancia distendida (después de almuerzo, a la hora del postre) para acercar e introducir los conceptos de género a la comunidad matemática PUC. Específicamente se propone una dinámica "match glosario género".

2nd Mathematics Thesis Workshop with a special session on Women Mathematics Day

In this event 4 undeegraduate women student will give a seminar about their final projects and guest speaker from Pitzer College, Bahar Acu will give a talk on higher dimensional topology. Lastly, the previous head of turkish women in mathematics society Belgin Korkmaz will provide a special session about Women in Mathematics Day.

London Hopper Colloquium 2024

London Hopper Colloquium is an event for women academic researchers across the UK who are building a career in Computer Science. It features women speakers talking about their research, a spotlight competition open to postgraduate research students, and opportunities to network with other new researchers in computing. This year’s event will be held in-person in London at UCL.

We will hear from women about their work on innovations that will change the world, fact checking, verification, and natural language generation.

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