Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

Let's celebrate (young) women in mathematics!

On May 11th, the Department of Mathematics will be hosting workshops for approximately 50 young 
girls from elementary schools across our region. Additionally, activities 
will be provided for a group of 15 elementary school teachers. 
Participants will gain some insight into research in mathematics 
through dedicated workshops. 
We are thrilled about sharing our love for mathematics, and we're 
eager to collaborate with this group of people! 
The event is organized on the occasion of May12, the International Day 
of Women in Mathematics.

Type of event

Attached document

Attached document

Via Trieste 63
35131 Padova PD

Name of the Organisation
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi Civita", Universita' di Padova