Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

Picture a Scientist started from exploring reports in the late 1990s that exposed significant gender inequity across the sciences. As we dug into the data and spoke with dozens of scientists, we realized the vast extent of the challenges facing women and minority scientists. Despite groundbreaking efforts by the courageous scientists featured in the film and elsewhere, systemic gender bias and racism persist. The goal in making the film was to raise visibility around these critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science and invite viewers into a deeper conversation about how to make science more inclusive. Thus, the film is just the

After the screening of the docufilm  "Picture a Scientist", we leave space to open discussion, as a catalyst for necessary reflection, discussion, and change: it will be conducted by Professor Anna Maria Giannini (Sapienza Delegate for equal opportunity issues) and Professor Azzurra Rinaldi (School of Gender Economics, Unitelma Sapienza)

Type of event
Event visual
Poster of the Movie

Attached document

Attached document

Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Rome

Name of the Organisation
Equal opportunities Committee, Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Castelnuovo" Sapienza Università di ROma