Half-Day Symposium

The Department of Mathematics at VNIT Nagpur is organizing a half-day symposium to celebrate "Women in Mathematics" in honor of the first woman Fields Medalist, Maryam MirzakhaniOn this occasion, we will be screening a documentary followed by a talk by Prof. R. Radha from the University of Hyderabad.



Math C pour L

In the framework of the week "Math C pour L" (Math c'est pour elles i.e. Math is for girls and women ) to be held in Rennes (May 27-31, 2024) organized with the help of SMF/SMAI/SFdS (French math learned societies), the movie "Le théorème de Marguerite" is scheduled on Monday 27 at 9 pm (UTC+2) at the cinema Arvor. Here are the practical details:


See you in Rennes!

Celebrating women in math @UniCA

On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Mathematics, we are organizing a screening of the movie "Hidden Figures". The screening will take place at the University of Cagliari (UniCA) on May 14, 2024, after a brief presentation on this celebration and the gender gap in mathematics. The event is mainly addressed to math students but is open to everyone who is interested. 

Día de las Mujeres en Matemática

Gracias a una invitación de la UMA (Unión Matemática Argentina) nos hemos sumado este año a la celebración del  Día de las Mujeres en Matemática (https://may12.womeninmaths.org/).

Este evento mundial se celebra todos los años recordando el día del nacimiento de Maryam Mirzakhani, matemática iraní fallecida en 2017, quien fue la primera mujer en ser galardonada con la medalla Fields (uno de los máximos premios que otorga la comunidad a sus miembros más destacados).

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