Women are underrepresented in high-level positions, in any hierarchical organization. Although, at least in the so called developed countries, equal rights are granted to men and women, still the gender gap exists. The global gender gap is 69%, with no country at 100%. Several countries experience small improvements, year-on-year, but in one third of the countries the national index does not improve or worsens.
Nowadays, several institutions and companies are committed to advancing gender equality. However, the path towards an equitable society is still long and requires awareness and individual commitment.
In this talk, I will briefly discuss the evolution of women's rights and overview some of the most common gender stereotypes women face during their life, also referring to the growing body of literature that sheds light on the reasons for the underrepresentation of women, in particular in the STEM area. Finally, I will briefly discuss some directions to overcome the stereotypes.
To sign in to the webinar, please write to airo.young.researchers@gmail.com

Contrada S. Chiara 50
Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università di Brescia
25122 Brescia BS