Maryam Mirzakhani Foundation Training Courses
In line with its constitution, Professor Maryam Mirzakhani Foundation is conducting free pilot courses in mathematics for students.
In these courses, materials will be provided to acquaint students with the beauties, importance, and applications of mathematics. This event is limited to ninth-grade students.
This ONLINE training course is planned with two central approaches in mind: promoting students' mathematical knowledge and identifying bright mathematical talents from all parts of the country.
Efforts have been made to include this important event, Women's Day in Mathematics, on Ordibehesht 22 and May 12. The videos of the courses will be available on the Maryam Mirzakhani Foundation's website at the end of each day.
The first training course, Ordibehesht, 1399 (May 2020).
The first course will be held on the 21st up to 23rd of Ordibehesht 1399 (11-13th of May ) with the scientific supervision of Professor Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian from the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology.
Each day includes two workshops in the morning and one exercise session and Q&A in the afternoon. In the exercise session, students can present their possible solutions to the problems of the same day's presentations. Students will also be given problems in these sessions. The effective activity of students in the meetings will be very important. There will be prizes for students (for all participants as well as students selected at the end of the course).
Offered to all educational centers in the country
Those interested in holding ceremonies on the occasion of Women’s in Mathematics Day, high schools, mathematical houses, and other educational centers are encouraged to benefit from the free of charge videos of the lectures, which is posted on the web, by the end of each day's sessions. Particularly, the first presentation on Ordibehesht 21, (May 11,) which will be held by Dr. Mahmoodian, Dr. Jafari, and Dr. Alipour is highly recommended.

Attached document
Tehran Province
Maryam Mirzakhani's charity foundation