Date & Time of the event(s)
Description and practical details

Available for screening on May 12. Trailer. Film (preliminary version).

On May 12th, at 10 am, the filmmaker Irina Linke, and various women who contributed, will tell us about their experience around the project in a

                           Zoom Meeting

                         Meeting ID: 850 7783 7874
                            Passcode: WWMTC

 This video collects   words of some 86 women in mathematics   from 37 countries telling us about their experience in the time of Corona in 25 different languages.   The video will be launched on May 12th, date of the anniversary of Maryam Mirzakhani's birthday, which celebrates worldwide women in mathematics. Its length is about 45 minutes.
If you plan a screening on May 12th, please fill in the following form mentioning the title, local time and location (including the country) of the event, as well as the necessary information related to the organizer(s).
We will get back to you if further details are needed. The video will also be available after that date so that you are welcome  to screen it  at a later date. Please do not hesitate to contact us:

The film 

                                          "Words of Women in Mathematics in the Time of Pandemic."

is a follow up of the film  "Faces of women in mathematics", a project launched in 2018 by the mathematician Eugenie Hunsicker and the film maker Irene Linke.  The screening of the film on May 12th will be distributed over several scientific institutions around the world. Further information will be available on the webpage:

Three years after the very successful video "Faces of women in mathematics" and with a year of pandemic behind us,  this new film collects words of  women in mathematics about their experience during the Corona crisis. We  have asked them to  tell us how the pandemic has affected their personal and professional life.  We hope that this project will contribute to increasing the visibility of women in mathematics, a visibility they might have lacked  during the pandemic.   

 This new project emanates from a group of mathematicians  Sonia Mahmoudi (Tohoku U., Japan), Claudia Malvenuto (U. Di Roma, Sapienza, Italy), Sylvie Paycha (U. Potsdam, Germany) and Eriko Shinkawa (Tohoku U., Japan), who after exchanging about their experience during the pandemic, joined their efforts with Eugenie Hunsicker and   Irene Linke to bring this project to life.

Type of event

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam

Name of the Organisation
University of Potsdam