Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur (India) is organising an International event in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani (May 12, 1977 – July 14, 2017), the only woman to win the Fields Medal for her outstanding contributions to “the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces”. It will be an online event.
Program Details:
* May 31, 2022 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Indian Standard Time)
** About Maryam Mirzakhani and the May 12th Initiative
** Impression of Women Mathematicians from ancient times
** “Polynomials and Chemical Reaction Networks” by Dr. Nidhi Kaihnsa, Brown University, Providence, RI, United States
* June 01, 2022 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Indian Standard Time)
** “Mathematical Theory of Information Transmission” by Prof. Anuradha Sharma, IIIT Delhi, India
** “Introduction to Minimal surfaces” by Prof. Rukmini Dey, ICTS-TIFR Bangalore, India
Interested people kindly register on
(The joining link for the WebEx session will be mailed to all the participants before the event)
For any further queries, please contact the organizer Dr. Charu Goel (Assistant Professor, IIIT Nagpur) at

Attached document
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