Colóquio do IME - May 12 edition

The Colóquio do IME exists since 2019 and organizes monthly one-hour talks by established mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. For this May 12, we have invited Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias to give a talk on the mathematics related to the study of climate change.

woman math day

انجمن علمی ریاضیات و کاربردها دانشگاه بوعلی سینا برگزار میکند
" بزرگداشت زادروز پروفسور مریم میرزاخانی  "

سخنرانان :
 سرکار خانم دکتر اشرف دانشخواه
موضوع : زنان در ریاضیات 

سرکار خانم پریسا شفائی مهر
موضوع : علوم داده کلید آینده 

سرکار خانم فاطمه انتصامی
موضوع : رشد سریع کسب و کارها با دیجیتال مارکتینگ

translation : 

The Scientific Association of Mathematics and Applications Holds Bu-Ali Sina University
" Celebrating the Birthday of Professor Maryam Mirzakhani "

Dia Internacional de la Mujer Matemática

El próximo 17 de mayo en el instituto de matemáticas de la Universidad de Antioquia celebraremos el día internacional de la mujer matemática con una jornada de conferencias donde destacadas mujeres matemáticas expondrán sus logros y contribuciones a este campo. Así mismo, tendremos un conversatorio sobre la representatividad y el papel de las mujeres matemáticas en Colombia y México, con invitadas especiales de los dos países.


Single Slide Showcase

The Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University and the Association for Women in Math Student Chapter at SFU are hosting a Women's Luncheon and Single Slide Showcase in honour of International Women in Math Day on May 12.

The Women's Luncheon is for department members who are female or non-binary to meet, eat good food, get to know one another, and have some fun playing games and doing trivia together.

Conference on Mathematics and Intersectional Applications

The aim of the "Conference on Mathematics and Intersectional Applications" is to strengthen collaboration among experts and scholars in the fields of mathematics and cross-application, promote interdisciplinary integration, and support the important role of mathematics in the development of strategic emerging industries. Additionally, special emphasis is placed on encouraging women to engage in research in mathematics and cross-application, fostering the growth and development of female applied mathematicians.

Women Leadership in STEM

In line with the celebration of may 12th in memorial of Maryam Mirzakhani and Girls in ICT Day, the OWSD Burundi Chapter in collaboration with Women in ICT in Institute of Digital Technologies at the University of Burundi organize one day conference with main topic on "Women Leardership in STEM by Strengthening Digital Skills". The conference will include Presentations on Women in STEM Burundi and International Situation, Digital Skills Development overview, Girls sensibilisation strategies and some STEM women model testimonies.


Women's Week In Mathematics, Teheran, Iran

Mathematics assumes no form; it doesn't see shape, colour, gender or preferences. In the end we all strive to find a path out of the jungle. We at Hamband Student Council at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Sharif University of Technology have decided to commemorate May 12th as a three-day event, highlighting the different stories and accomplishments of people around the world of mathematics with talks and interviews.

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