Mulheres na Matemática

Mesa de discussão no dia 30 de maio em homenagem ao dia internacional da mulher matemática. O tema da mesa é Meninas, Mulheres, produções em Matemática e afins. Teremos a participação de três matemáticas convidadas para debater sobre o assunto. Será um evento presencial com possibilidade de transmissão pelo canal do YouTube do canal Elas nas Exatas.

Colóquio do IME - May 12 edition

The Colóquio do IME exists since 2019 and organizes monthly one-hour talks by established mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. For this May 12, we have invited Yoshiko Wakabayashi to give a talk on problems related to the work by the 2022 Fields Medallist Maryna Viazovska.

Kovalevskaya Lunch and Colloquium

BMS offers informal meetings for our female (PhD) students, with the intention of exchanging experiences and mutual assistance. Special „Sophia Kovalevskaya Colloquia“ (as a part of the regular MATH+ Friday) features women mathematicians, both senior and junior, who can be seen as successful role models. The speaker will share her experience as a women mathematician with the female part of the audience during the „Kovalevskaya Lunch“.
(Please find more information at

Festa della Matematica: due giorni con e per Ingrid Daubechies

Unione Matematica Italiana is proud to announce an event which will take place on May 12th from 9 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. in Aula Magna, Università di Roma La Sapienza .

This is a part of  "Festa della matematica: due giorni con e per Ingrid Daubechies", which displays a scientific meeting organized by Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo in the afternoon of May 11th and the award to prof. Ingrid Daubechies of the Doctorate Honoris Causa, on Friday 12 at 11.30 a.m.

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