Two women mathematicians, their work and career experiences: on occasion of international women in mathematics day

Dr. Radhika Ganapathy (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) and Dr. Purvi Gupta (Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore),  two young women mathematicians from India will talk about their work and career experiences. The talks will be   at a level so that undergraduate and graduate students can follow. All are welcome. The talks will be from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm Saturday, 15 May 2021.

The talks will be advertised at various colleges and universities and institutes.

Descubriendo a Emmy Noether

La iniciativa #Noethember ( y el Colectivo Resistencia Noetheriana se unen para invitarles a descubrir a la matemática Emmy Noether; su vida de niña y familiar, las dificulatades para hacerse camino en la academia y sus extraordinaria obra matemática.

Ruby Payne-Scott Lecture by Emeritus Professor Cheryl Praeger

The inaugural Ruby Payne-Scott Medal and Lecture for women in science is a career medal that recognises researchers of the highest standing in the physical and/or biological sciences. The award honours Ruby Payne-Scott's pioneering contribution to radiophysics and radio astronomy. The recipient of this medal in 2021 is Emeritus Professor Cheryl Praeger AC FAA from the University of Western Australia.


This day will be devoted to recognizing the gains that have been made and gaps that remain in supporting Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in science and engineering and celebrating their contributions. The Day follows the release of the NCSES (part of the SBE directorate at NSF) report to Congress on WMPD participation in STEM statistics.

This is a community-driven event and we invite all to participate. 

Session to Celebrate Women in Mathematics in a Symposium on analysis, Egypt

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University organizes an online Symposium on analysis with a focus on special functions, orthogonal polynomials and their applications.

The symposium is organized in cooperation with Dr. Zeinab Mansour, President of  Association of the Egyption Women in Mathematics . The event will contain a session  to celebrate International Women's Day in Mathematics and to screen the movie "Picture a Scientist" .


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