Mates con Lili

"Mates con Lili"  on May 12 at 10:30 AM. 


In "Mates con Lili",  Liliana Forzani, Daniela Rodríguez and Mariela Sued will talk about the celebration of May 12,

they will share their experiences as Argentine female mathematicians and discuss gender issues in mathematics.


Live stream on our YouTube channel

International day of Women in Mathematics-Workshop

On the international day of Women in Mathematics, May 12, the Egyptian Women in Mathematics Association(EWMA) is organizing a  virtual one-day workshop hosted  by  Nile University and sponsered by the Egyptian Mathematical Society,  The National Academy of Science and Technology, and the African Association of Women in Mathematics(AWMA). The program includes a two hours  Panel discussion on "Early Career Researchers: Challanges and Advice".

Combinatorics Seminar at IME-UFF

The Combinatorics Seminar (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil) celebrates once again International Women's Day in Mathematics. This year we have the honor of welcoming Professor Diana Sasaki. She is associate professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), vice-head of the Department of Applied Mathematics (IME/UERJ), permanent professor and member of the collegiate of the Graduate Program in Computer Science (CComp/UERJ).

II Encontro de Mulheres na Matemática

No dia 12 de maio é celebrado o Dia Internacional das Mulheres na Matemática, em homenagem à data de nascimento de Maryam Mirzakhani, única mulher vencedora da Medalha Fields. Como homenagem ao dia, o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Computacionais (PPG-CCOMP) do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME) da UERJ realizará o evento “II Encontro de Mulheres na Matemática“, no dia 09 de maio, de 13h às 17h. Neste ano, haverá uma palestra e apresentação de trabalhos dos alunos.

National Workshop & International Symposium

We, at the department of Mathematics and Statistics,RBVR  Reddy Women's College,Narayanaguda, Hyderabad, are planning to organize the National Workshop & International Symposium in the first week and last week of May 2022 respectively.We have identified the speakers for both the events.

The following are the  speakers for the national workshop

1.Prof.Pratima Panigrahi - IIT, Kharagpur

2. Prof.Rukmini Dey - ICTS,Bengaluru

3.Prof.Geetha Venkataraman - Ambedkar University , Delhi

4.Prof.Shobha Madan - IIT, Goa

International day for women in mathematics - Generalized Functions Online Workshop (2nd edition)

The aim of this workshop is to increase the visibility of the female members of the GF (Generalized Functions) community and to facilitate scientific collaboration and networking within this group. We would like to encourage female mathematicians in the early stage of their scientific career to participate and present their first results, but the event is not restricted only to female mathematicians.

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