The Women in Math Committee (WiM) of the European Mathematical Society is organising an event called "EMS/WiM Day" within the initiative of "May 12th", a celebration of women in Mathematics in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani.

The event consists of scientific talks (at the level of a Colloquium talk) of two distinguished speakers, which will take place online on Friday, 20 May 2022 with the following schedule:

14:45 CEST      Welcome

15:00 CEST      Tara Brendle (Glasgow University, UK)

Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) Celebrates Women in Mathematics

The Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) is the country’s premier professional organization for tertiary-level mathematics researchers and educators. Founded in 1973, it has grown from a Manila-based group of academics to a nationwide network, with 9 regional chapters. The MSP represents the Philippines in the International Mathematical Union and the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society.

Panel virtual: “Estrategias y desafíos para la promoción de más mujeres en las matemáticas”

Virtual panel: "Strategies and challenges for the promotion of more women in mathematics"

Organized by: Math and Computer Science Teacher Program and Gender Equality Office.


Panel virtual: Estrategias y desafíos para la promoción de más mujeres en las matemáticas”

II May 12 at UFSCar

No próximo 12 de maio, em que se celebra o Dia  Internacional das Mulheres na Matemática, ocorrerá a 2ª Edição do May 12 na UFSCar, um momento de reflexão e homenagem a todas as mulheres que atuam nos Cursos de Graduação em Matemática, nos cursos de Pós-Graduação PPGM, PPGECE, PROFMAT, e no Departamento de Matemática da UFSCar.

Celebration of the International Day for Women in Mathematics 2022

The Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) invites you to attend our Celebration of the International Day for Women in Mathematics 2022, which will take place on Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at 4 pm Panama time. The invited speakers of this Celebration are the female mathematicians Marta Macho-Stadler from Spain, Laura Pezzatti from Argentina and Leslie Jimenez from Chile. This virtual event in Spanish is free and open to the general public, which means that kids and adults of all ages are welcome to join.

Comemorando o dia 12 de maio no IME UFF

Our event will be at May 12 th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and will be held virtually by Google Meet . The link to participate in the meeting will be sent on May 11, 2022. Registration for the event will be until May 10th, 2022 and must be made by email to the address mulheresnamatematica.uff@gmail.com. It is necessary  informing full name, institution and if you are a student or a professor.

12 de mayo Día internacional de las Mujeres en Matemáticas 2022

El 12 de mayo celebramos el Día Internacional de las Mujeres en Matemáticas. Esta fecha fue designada en honor a la matemática iraní Maryam Mirzakhani, única mujer en recibir hasta ahora la Medalla Fields (2014) por sus importantes aportaciones en el estudio de los espacios moduli de las superficies de Riemann.

Este evento busca inspirar a las mujeres matemáticas mexicanas a celebrar sus logros y fomentar un ambiente de trabajo abierto, acogedor e inclusivo para todas las personas y promover la participación de las mujeres estudiantes o interesadas en las matemáticas.

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