Women in Mathematics Day

University of Turin and Politecnico of Turin organize an event on the occasion of the Women in Mathematics Day, on 19 May 2022.
During the morning session, young female PhD students will introduce their research work in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 

Mathematics for the benefit of oncology/Mathématiques au profit de l’oncologie

Tunisian Women Mathematicians Association TWMA in partnership with the gender unit of the University of Sousse organize an event on the occasion of May 12th. It will be held at ESSTHS (the Higher School of Science and Technology of Hammam Sousse), on Thursday May 12, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This day is celebrated in its 4th edition by women mathematicians of the world. Note that the day is dedicated to Mariam Mirzakhani, the only woman winner of the Fields medal (2014). She died in 2017 from breast cancer. The theme chosen this year is

Celebrating Women in Math 2022

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Calabria celebrates Maryam Mirzakhani and all other women in mathematics with a day of scientific dissemination and interaction with students of all levels. There will be a conference with some scientific talks, a few activities with school students, a movie projection. 

International Women in Mathematics Day

We will be joined by 3 fantastic scientists who have contributed to our understanding of the Covid-19 pandemic:

* Ellen Brooks-Pollock, a senior lecturer from Bristol University, who served on SPI-M and SAGE to advise the government's response to the pandemic, for which she was awarded an OBE.

* Meaghan Kall, the lead epidemiologist for UKHSA's Covid group, whose Twitter threads explaining the group's technical briefings saw her named one of the top 10 scientists for 2021 by Nature.

Matemáticas en la Residencia: "Cinco años sin Maryam Mirzakhani, exploradora de superficies"

En 2014, Maryam Mizakhani (Irán, 1977-2017) se convirtió en la primera mujer –y única hasta la fecha– en recibir la medalla Fields, el más prestigioso galardón de las matemáticas. El 12 de mayo se cumplen cinco años de su fallecimiento, en 2017. Esta conferencia servirá para describir brevemente la investigación de Mirzakhani, además de dar algunas pinceladas sobre el camino que siguió hasta convertirse en una de las matemáticas más influyentes de su generación.

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