Celebrating Women in Mathematics in Graz

The event "Celebrating Women in Mathematics in Graz" will take place on May 19, 2022, at 3:15 p.m. in room HS 12.01, on the campus of the University of Graz (Universitätsstraße 2-4).

The afternoon program includes seminars and documentary film screenings.


Opening address:

Laura Cossu (Uni Graz), Celebrating Women in Maths: the Memory of Maryam Mirzakhani



Cinzia Soresina (Uni Graz) Mathematische Modelle für den Planeten Erde

2º Encontro Mulheres Matemáticas do IMPA - EMMI

The 2º Encontro Mulheres Matemáticas do IMPA is organized by the students of IMPA with the aim of start a conversation about the academic life for women.

This second edition will discuss the routine of researcher women and the steps from the bachelor to the postdoc.

A discussion will be held about the gender gap in mathematics and will offer an opportunity to exchange experiences among the participants.

Why teenage girls' mathematical vocations in Spain has slowed down?

When studying mathematics was associated to teaching, it was a female-dominated degree. The situation changed drastically in 2012, coinciding with a bigger demand for technology and business jobs. The article ¿Por qué se han frenado las vocaciones matemáticas de las adolescentes? contributes to analyze the possible causes of this through many different testimonies.

Raconte-moi Alicia Boole

On May 12th 2021, a tribute to Alicia Boole will be made public on our website.

Following the same line of ideas underlying our tribute to Maryam Mirzakhani for the first edition, we offer an artistic form intertwining a dozen contributions : dance, reading performance, story-telling, object animation... and some mathematical context of course (in french). Each contribution starts from a key-word linked to the story of Alicia Boole. As a whole they create some kind of Chinese portrait.

Women in Maths Day in Melbourne

This year Deakin University will be celebrating the Women in Mathematics Day to promote the collaboration of female mathematicians and to celebrate women`s achievements in mathematics.  

There will be presentations from female academics, industry professionals, and post-graduate students about their research areas and experience of working in mathematics. A movie about the lives of women working in science, including the challenges they face, will also be shown. 

Organisers: K. Morgan, Su Chan, L. Vogelsang.

Entrevistando a mi profesora de matemáticas (Chile)

Ttitle in english : Interviewing my female math professor

Alumnas y ex-alumnas entrevistan a las profesoras de matemáticas que han sido parte de su camino universitario, de su formación matemática e inspiración.

Female students and graduate students from the math department interview female mathematics professors who have been part of their college journey, mathematical training and inspiration.

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