Les mathématiques se conjuguent (aussi) au féminin ! (Nancy, France)

Summary in english:

We invite students and members of the Université de Lorraine to take part in a creative contest!  Sophie Germain, Sofia Kovalevskaïa, Emmy Noether… Women mathematicians of the past are not always very well known and even now, there are few women in the professions involving mathematics. But women are (also) made for mathematics! In order to illustrate this, please send us a drawing, a poster, a video, a small text… before May 5, 2021.

Scottish Women in Maths

Maths Week Scotland has interviewed six women for whom maths is at the very core of their role. Whether it is statistics, bridges or budgets these women rely on maths every single day. We caught up with them whilst they are working at home to find out about their jobs, how they got into them and why they love them.

We will be releasing the videos throughout May and also want to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself at work telling us how you use maths in your role, or create your own videos. If you have kids at home perhaps get them to interview you!

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