Celebrating Women in Mathematics

Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur (India) is organising an International event in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani (May 12, 1977 – July 14, 2017), the first woman to win the Fields Medal for her outstanding contributions to “the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces”. It will be an online event.


Program Details:

30th May, 2023 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Indian Standard Time)

Women and Mathematics Education

The talk will be online  on 10 june , 2023 (saturday) on Zoom platform. The resource person is Prof. Jyoti Sharma, a renowned Professor of Mathematics Education. She is currently Joint director of Cluster innovation centre ,University of Delhi and also Joint Director of Institute of life long learning(ILLL),University of Delhi. The participants of this event will be  undergraduate  women students of Shyama Prasad Mukherji college for women, University of Delhi, along with our alumnus and students of various colleges of University of Delhi.

Virtual Seminar in Celebration of the International Day of Women in Mathematics, Kharazmi University, Iran


May 13, 2023 (17:00-18:00 Tehran Time)

Virtual Venue:


Speaker: Dr Susanne Pumpluen,

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Title of talk: Nonassciative algebras, applications to coding theory, and how I got there


Why do we celebrate on 12 May? Let us talk about this, but also about mathematics!

Conversatorio "Las Mujeres Matemáticas de la UAM: Trayectoria y Legado"

En el marco de la celebración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres en Matemáticas 2023, en el Departamento de Matemáticas de la UAMI se ha organizado la segunda edición del Conversatorio “Mujeres Matemáticas de la UAM”, en esta ocasión, el objetivo es reconocer y visualizar la trayectoria y experiencia de las mujeres que han fomentado el crecimiento y desarrollo de las matemáticas en nuestra Universidad. 

Bate-Papo Quântico

O Bate-Papo Quântico recebe nesse 12 de maio duas jovens doutoras e divulgadoras de ciência para discutir divulgação de teoria e tecnologias quânticas pelas redes, bem como abordar as dificuldades por elas encontradas relacionadas a questões de gênero e raça.


The Quantum Chat receives in this May 12 two young female doctors with active roles in science popularization. We will discuss the difficulties of quantum science and technology popularization, as well as some issues related to gender and ethnics which they have to face. (the chat is in Portuguese)

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