Open days 2020 (Catania, Sicily)

 "Open days 2020 home edition" is an event organized by University of Catania in order to promote its degree courses. This event, scheduled for 18, 19 and 20 May 2020, will take place entirely in streaming and will include the screening of some prestigious scientific-themed films of educational value for the academic community and high school students. 

BIRS Live Stream presents "Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani" (Canada)

May 12 is The Women in Mathematics Day, in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman and first Iranian to be awarded the Fields Medal before her death at the age of 40. Join the screening of Secrets of the Surface, the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani, on Tuesday, May 12 at 3:00pm PDT at to celebrate her life, her mathematical work, and her impact on future generations.

Mid-Pen Math Club Virtual Screening (USA)



It is the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale (famous for her work in nursing, but also one of the founders of modern statistics), and of Maryam Mirzakhani, an Iranian-American woman who was the first woman and first Iranian to win the Fields Medal (the most prestigious math award), and who taught at Stanford until her death in 2017 at the age of 40. 


Women in the history of mathematics (Poland)

The main goal of our online event was to show the contribution of women to the development of mathematics through the ages.

The students  of IV High School in Lodz prepared presentations, games, found short video to show their classmates that maths has also  a face of a woman.

We used the idea of a mathematical fair to know who's going to be next.

All participants ( students and teachers) had a lot of fun.

الاحتفال بالمرأة في الرياضيات: اسرار المساحات، رؤية رياضية لمريم مرزخاني Celebrating Women in Mathematics : Secrets of the Surface, the Mathematical Vision of Maryam at MIT CenterMirzakhani


Webinar capacity:500

in the case the webinar is full, we will release the video on youtube.

Title: الاحتفال بالمرأة في الرياضيات: اسرار المساحات، رؤية رياضية لمريم مرزخاني

        Celebrating Women in Mathematics : Secrets of the Surface, the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani

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