Combinatorics Seminar at IME-UFF

The Combinatorics Seminar resumes this year's activities celebrating the upcoming Women's Day in Mathematics. To celebrate this special date, we invite Professor Telma Pará, who is doing postdoctoral work at the University of Warwick and will share her latest research.

The seminar will be held online. We will issue certificates of participation for Complementary Activity. No prior registration is required.

Inspiring Talk

On May 12th we will celebrate International Women in Mathematics Day with french mathematician Marie-Françoise Roy. She will give an Inspiring Talk about The Gender Gap in Mathematics. Followed by an open discussion and Q&A session.

The event is restricted to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum alumni.

Celebrating Women in Mathematics

Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur (India) is organising an International event in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani (May 12, 1977 – July 14, 2017), the only woman to win the Fields Medal for her outstanding contributions to “the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces”. It will be an online event.


Gender equality panel discussion: why it is important to everyone?

This online event consists of

• A panel discussion with 4 panelists and 1 moderator (45 minutes);

• Small group breakout room discussion (20 minutes);

• Breakout room discussion summary. (15 minutes)

Panel discussion topic:  “The "why” behind the effort to achieve better gender balance in employment and student enrollment and impact of such efforts to every individual in mathematical fields.


Celebrating women in mathematics

گروه ریاضی دانشگاه جیرفت با همکاری کمیته بانوان انجمن ریاضی ایران به مناسبت
 "روز جهانی زنان در ریاضیات"
 برگزار می‌کند.
?️عنوان سخنرانی:
۱. جبر جامع چیست؟
۲. تجربه یک بانوی رشته ریاضی


Department of Mathematics, Jiroft University, in collaboration with the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Association on the occasion International Women's Day in Mathematics

Celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer en Matemáticas 2022 (Fundación para la Educación ENOVA)

La Fundación para la Educación ENOVA, invita a toda la comunidad a nuestra Celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer en Matemáticas 2022, que se llevará a cabo el viernes 13 de mayo de 2022 a las 7:00 pm hora de Perú.

Realizaremos un conversatorio que busca resaltar a las mujeres matemáticas y a las mujeres matemáticas de la historia. 

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