12 may 2021 in Moscow

The New School and the Faculty of Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics decided to organize a small scientific and school conference to coincide with May 12 - the International Day of Women in Mathematics. We'd like to consider the idea of the day a little broader, so, in addition to the scientific component, we also want to make a curtsey to the teachers of mathematics, who have made an important contribution to math through their work. 

Día de la Mujer en Matemáticas: ‘Matemáticas desde el sur de Chile, desafíos permanentes’

Title in english: Women's Day in Mathematics: 'Women Mathematicians from the south of Chile, permanent challenges'



  • Dra. Daniela Carcamo Díaz, Universidad del Bío Bío
  • Dra(c) Yocelyn Daniela Pérez Rothen, Universidad del Bío Bío


  • Prof. Elizabeth Hernández, Académica Departamento de Ciencias Exactas
  • Prof. Carlos Martínez, Jefe de Carrera Pedagogía en Educación Media Matemática y Computación

Credenciales ZOOM:

“Mathématiques face aux défis mondiaux: cas de la crise de la pandémie du covid19 et l’intelligence artificielle"

L’association WPS (Women Promoting Science to the Younger Generation) organise une conférence animée par le Professeur Mary Teuw Niane autour du thème “Mathématiques face aux défis mondiaux: cas de la crise de la pandémie du covid19 et l’intelligence artificielle"

Special Speaker Dominic Buset in the "Mirka Miller's Combinatorics Webinar Series"

We are five women that are organizing a special Webinar in honor to Mirka Miller. 

Mirka Miller (née Koutova, 9 May 1949 – 2 January 2016) was a Czech-Australian mathematician and computer scientist interested in graph theory and data security. She was a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Newcastle

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