May12. Celebrating Women in Mathematics

The event consists in a talk given by Michela Procesi, University of Roma TRE,  invited speaker at the 2022 ICM, with an opening address by Gabriella Tarantello, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", invited speaker at the 2022 ICM. The title of the talk is " Order and chaos in wave dynamics".he opening address will deal with women in mathematics.

The organizing Committee is the following: Martina Lanini, Domenico Marinucci, Alfonso Sorrentino, Elisabetta Strickland, all of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

Les Enjeux de la Promotion de la Femme Mathématicienne

Vu le nombre minimal de femmes mathématiciennes dans la société congolaise, cette conférence est une opportunité de montrer aux jeunes qu'une fille peut se faire une carrière en mathématique. C'est aussi une  opportunité  d’encourager les femmes à s’engager dans les filières porteuses d’opportunités d’emploi comme les mathématiques, d'être  créative, innovante, d'apporter du progrès par la recherche scientifique et les développements technologiques.

11 Sesión del Webinar del grupo FIME

The event is a part of a monthly-conference series in diverse topics about Mathematics Education for the training of engineering students from a wide array of frameworks and methods; in this particular conference we will have the honor to present a lecture from Adriana Galicia Sosa (Ph. D.) from the TecNM campus Acapulco, México. She develops her research in mathematics for engineering, and the discussion will be directed towards the topic: women in mathematics and engineering.

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