Día IMUV de las mujeres en matemáticas. Valparaiso, Chile

En este evento, estudiantes del Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Valparaíso entrevistarán a sus profesoras. Será un evento interno del Instituto, las profesoras entrevistadas serán 7 y los estudiantes a cargo de diseñar las preguntas son los que están cursando el curso "Perspectiva de género, diversidad e interculturalidad" dictado para la carrera pedagogía en matemática por Andrea Vera.

El público esperado es toda la comunidad IMUV, es decir profesores y estudiantes de las carreras dictadas por el Instituto de Matemáticas U. de Valparaíso.

Celebrating Women in Maathematics 2024, Delhi, India

Team Mathematics at SPS, JNU has invited a woman speaker Dr. Ekata Saha, Dept of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, India.

Title of her talk: Diving into the theory of numbers: the Diophantine equations

After her seminar, there will be the screening of films

1. Journeys of Women in Mathematics
2. Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes
3. Kovaleskaya’s spinning top


The program will be concluded with tea.

International Women in Mathematics Day 2024, Melboure, Australia

Discipline of Mathematics at RMIT University will celebrate International Women in Maths Day on 13th May 2024. The main goal of this event is to support the community of Women and Gender Minorities in Math in Australia and to establish a network of Women in Maths and related groups. At RMIT, we present a balance of inclusion and gender-diversity with 50% of our staff being female.

SMP International Women in Mathematics Day 2024

International Women in Maths Day celebrates the achievements of female mathematicians annually on 12 May, in honour of mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to be awarded the Fields Medal for Mathematics.  Women in Mathematics Day is a significant day for all mathematicians and is an important opportunity to both celebrate women and gender diverse mathematicians and to highlight the ongoing gender inequity in the discipline.  At UQ, the School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP) is striving to improve gender diversity.

Celebrating Women in Mathematics Day in Tromsø

Visual Intelligence and the Lie-Størmer centre at UiT The Arctic University of Norway is organizing a local event at Verdensteatret on May 6th to celebrate Women in Mathematics Day.

The event will consist of a screening of the documentary "Picture a Scientist". The screening will be followed by a panel discussion between scientist from Norwegian universities, such as University of Bergen and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Tercer Encuentro de Mujeres Matemáticas en la Mixteca, Oaxaca, Mexico

El objetivo de este Tercer Encuentro es reunir a mujeres matemáticas de diferentes partes del mundo con la comunidad académica de nuestra Institución, para intercambiar experiencias de vida, divulgar, promover y reconocer el trabajo y quehacer de las mujeres matemáticas; con lo cual se pretende motivar e inspirar a estudiantes y docentes que día a día trabajan fuertemente para contribuir al desarrollo de esta ciencia; además, invitar a conocer las bondades que brindan el estudio de las matemática, y así, generar una sinergia de empoderamiento con las nuevas generacio

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