Public Event: International Women in Maths Day !(Melbourne, Australia)

Public Event: International Women in Maths Day!

Title: Rewards for relating the unrelated: knots, graphs, and algebra


What does the mathematics of knots have to do with the mathematics of networks?

Knots are everywhere: in the strings of our DNA, in the structure of super-strong

materials, and in mathematics, where knots lurk behind all three-dimensional

shapes. Graphs model social networks, transit maps, neural nets, and are one of

Faculty of Mathematics' International Women in Mathematics Day Colloquium (Waterloo, Canada)

The U. of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics's International Women in Mathematics Day Colloquium is an annual event that recognizes and celebrates women's achievements in mathematics. The 2024 speaker is Wen-Ching Winnie Li from Penn State University. She is one of the legends on the AWM board. Below are her talk details

Speaker: Wen-Ching Winnie Li

Title: The Ramanujan Conjecture: from theory to applications

Magic, Knots and Mathematics (Panama)

The Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) will be celebrating the International Day for Women in Mathematics 2024 with our invited speaker Allison Henrich, who will be presenting on "Magic, Knots and Mathematics" in the Marriott Panama Hotel in Albrook Mall on Friday, May 10th, 2024 from 11 am until 12 pm. This in-person event is free and is open to the general public, which means that kids and adults of all ages are welcome to attend.

May12 Posters

Students from the European Section have designed posters for the French Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) program, which will be showcased in the hallways.

Caccia al tesoro matematica/Mathematical treasure hunt (Concesio, Italy)

The event consists of a mathematical treasure hunt proposed by the "Diamo i numeri" association ( within the project "Stem in Genere"  of the University of Brescia ( The treasure hunt is open to children (from 7 years old and adults). Each team can be made up of a maximum of 5 people, at least one of whom is an adult.

Journeys in Mathematics (Darmstadt, Germany)

Journeys in Mathematics - About career paths and the courage to take them

We invite to an evening with

  • Film screening of "Journeys of Women in Mathematics"
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ilka Agricola (Philipps-Universität Marburg) on student numbers and job market developments for mathematicians
  • Panel discussion on the topic "Leaky Pipeline", career paths, job profile of professors, opportunities, ...

It takes places at: Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal (room S103/283), TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstr. 1, 64289 Darmstadt

"Oggi mi sveglio creativa!"/ "Today I wake up creative!" (L'Aquila, Italy)

"Oggi mi sveglio creativa!" is an event tailored for secondary school students, in which cartoonist Alice Milani will walk them through the process of creating a comic strip. How do you draw, but first of all how do you read a comic strip? Reading sense, grid, balloons, framing, dialogue and captions. All of these elements contribute to creating a useful set of images and text to tell a longer or shorter time sequence.

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