Jornada de Mujeres en Matemáticas (San Luis, Argentina)

This event aims to show the work of female mathematicians from the Math Department of Universidad Nacional de San Luis. The event consists of two plenary talks given by women in advanced stages of their career and several short communications given by Ph.D. students.
The event will be closed by a round table about women in science, featuring female scientists from different areas (such as enviromental sciencies, mathematics and physics). 

Women in Maths - Networking Event for students (Zürich, Switzerland)

Do you find maths exciting?Are you curious about what it's like to study maths? Then join the networking event in celebration of International Day of Women in Mathematics!

To celebrate the contributions of women to the field of mathematics, students will enjoy a guided tour of the exhibition " Slow Chaos". The exhibition focuses in particular on the work and research of female mathematicians.

Women in Maths at Western Sydney

Women in Maths at Western Sydney University.

We host two speakers:

Nalini Joshi (Sydney University) is a professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the Uni- versity of Sydney, the first woman in the School to hold this position, and is a past-president of the Australian Mathematical Society. Nalini is also the Vice-President of the International Mathematical Union, and is the first Australian to hold this position.

May12@DiMaI, Flrenze (Italy)

The organized event is an afternoon dedicated to secondary school students.
The event includes a short presentation about Maryam Mirzakhani and International Women in Mathematics Day, followed by a seminar on women's mathematics competitions given by a member of the Olympiad Committee and a series of team math games.

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