Dia das Mulheres Matemática, Pernambuco, Brazil

No dia 7 de maio, nós, estudantes e membros do Diretório Acadêmico InovAÇÃO, juntamente com a Coordenação da Licenciatura em Matemática, estaremos proporcionando uma tarde/noite diferente para alunas e professoras, em comemoração ao Dia Internacional das Mulheres na Matemática, 12 de Maio. Teremos uma programação especial que incluirá debate sobre a igualdade de gênero, a importância da participação das mulheres na matemática e o mundo após a graduação, conforme segue abaixo:

15:00 - Abertura

15:10 - Mulheres Matemáticas: O mundo após a graduação

12 May Women in Mathematics Celebration, Johannesburg, South Africa

The South African Mathematical Society's Women in Mathematics (WiM) Division will be hosting a 12 May event at the CoE MaSS centre, live streamed and open to everyone within the South African mathematical community. There will be 5 regional venues where groups of women (staff and postgraduate students) from different universities are gathered together. Professor Kerstin Jordaan has agreed to speak on, "Nuggets of Wisdom - tips for your CV and applications." The talk will be open to everyone. 

Kadın Matematikçilerle Tanışma ve Soru-Cevap Paneli, Istanbul, Turkey

Ülkemizde çalışan kadın matematikçilerin kariyer yolculuklarını ve araştırmalarını öğrenip istediğiniz soruları sorabileceğiniz bu panele hepiniz davetlisiniz.

You are all invited to our panel discussion where you will learn about career pathways and research of women mathematicians working in Turkey. The panel will be followed by a QA session.

Mujeres en matemáticas: diversos caminos, diversas historias

Con motivo de la celebración del día internacional de las mujeres en
matemáticas el cual se celebra cada año en honor a la matemática iraní
Maryam Mirzakhani, primera mujer en recibir la medalla Fields de
matemáticas en 2014, tenemos el agrado de invitarle al evento presencial
“Mujeres en matemáticas: diversos caminos, diversas historias“, el cual
incluirá charlas, panel de conversación y otras entretenidas actividades, para
el día 8 de mayo desde las 12:00 hasta las 16:00 horas en la Facultad de

Día internacional de la mujer matemática- Konrad Lorenz

Next Friday, May 10th, from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, we will have the 2nd Edition of the celebration of the International Day of Women in Mathematics. During this event, we will have a panel discussion with students from the Mathematics program to explore the possibilities and opportunities that studying a STEM career opens up. Additionally, we will learn about the experiences of these students and address the concerns of our attendees. Moreover, we will have an experiential and fun session with Mathematical Bingo.


Event Details Date: Friday, May 10th, 2024.

Celebrating Women in Mathematics, Trondheim, Norway

In celebration of women in mathematics NTNU will celebrate the intenational day of women in mathematics (12.May) on 13.May. The program is aimed at master students at NTNU in 4 and 5 year.

The event will start at 14:15-16:00 and the time schedule is as follows:

14:15-14:45 Short talks

14:45-15:35 Food and Quiz

15:35-16:00 Short movies "Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes" and "Kovaleskaya' Spinning Top".

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